Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I love my husband

In case I haven't publicly said that lately, it's time for a reminder. I LOVE MY HUSBAND! And I love seeing what God is doing in his life. I had a bit of (possibly) bad news this morning when I found out that HR has approached a co-worker about her salary requirements for the job I was hoping to get. Punch to the gut, let me tell you. This doesn't mean it's off the table, but HR hasn't called me. Which leads me to believe the job will be offered to her. My ego is bruised. But Craig simply held me as I cried a little (no sobbing, I promise) and started praying for me. He thanked God for me, and asked that God would give me to peace that comes with knowing He is in control, and closed doors are God's way of showing us the open ones.

Wow. And I have felt that peace. God is faithful! I have found joy, JOY even in the fact that I have a current job that is already filled with unbelievable perks. And I've even felt a tinge of excitement at what the future holds, if not that promotion.

Thank you God, for Craig. Thank you for his words at exactly the right time. Thank you for making him point me to You. I am truly blessed.

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