Friday, April 25, 2008

Answered prayer

When I was pregnant with Jonas, I remember specifically praying that my child would be intelligent. Above average, I believe I asked.
Now what is it they say about being careful what you ask for? Yep- I agree.
Jonas' teacher e-mailed me yesterday afternoon to let me know he has been not listening and acting out more lately than any other time this year. I went to talk to her, because I want Jonas to know that this is not acceptable, no matter how close to the end of the school year we are. I also think it's important that he knows that I will put everything else on hold to address what he is going through, no matter what it is. Mrs. Kowis spoke to Jonas with me in the room and let him know that she expects more from hims because he's the oldest, the smartest (!!!), and a natural leader. That the kids will do whatever he does because they look up to him and think if it's ok for him to do it, then it is ok for them to do it. He seemed to understand and she asked him to leave the room while she and I talked.
She then told me she is amazed by Jonas' reasoning abilities and has never seen a kid advance in reading as fast as he has this year. She said she is glad he will be going to Gilmore next year, because he will have a better chance of being challenged the way he should be. Where he has been at the top of his class at Weber, she thinks he will be closer to average at Gilmore. In the meantime, she wants me to get him outside and running around as much as possible this summer. She also said she will be noting in his file that his next teacher should call her as soon as he is assigned so that she can warn him/her. Not sure how to take that comment...
I'm very happy that God gave Jonas a sharp brain- but I think I agree with Mrs. Kowis when it comes to his reasoning. He's going to have to accept a few things "just because" as he gets older or he is going to get in trouble. I don't want him to ever stop questioning, but I also pray that God will give me the strength to endure his endless streams of questions and that the teachers he has in the next 12 years will be as receptive as this first one has.
I love my son so much. Thank you God, for this crazy, funny, emotional, deep thinking, boy I get to have for a little while. Forgive me when I lose my patience with him. Thank you for leading him to You at such a young age.

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