Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My first blog!

I've been responding to other blogs for years now, but never knew I could start my own. I'm glad I finally figured it out, cuz I have lots to share!

I called this blog Here for Just a Little While, because I want to have a more eternal focus on my life. So many times I glance at the news or hear about a friend who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and my spirit sinks. How can I keep going? This world is going to crap, and it makes me so sad. I think about the upcoming elections and wonder if my vote will even count (have you heard about Texas' cooky caucus/ primary election process? ) and who do I vote for anyway? Is it okay to settle for the lesser of two evils, or do I start a write-in campaign? And time and again it hits me- this is not my home. I am just a visitor here. Jesus promised I will be with Him for eternity in paradise, where the worst thing we'll have to think about is...oh I don't know- can you lose your voice from singing praises for eternity? That doesn't mean I can simply ignore the world around. Just the opposite in fact. I must remember that the peace I find in remembering where my eternal home will be is exactly what millions and millions of other people need to know!

So what do I do with the "little while" I am a a resident of Earth? Share the gospel of Christ, love each and every person I meet (and those I never will), and let people know that we do not have to settle.

I can't wait to share my journey with whoever wants to read it!


Wachsmann Family said...

Love the title! I know you will be great at writing! :) I will add you to my blog! I do not keep mine updated too much, but am getting better at it. Hope you are all doing well. ~Carolyn

sara said...

welcome to the worldww! :)