Thursday, March 6, 2008

Little things and pretty mornings

Carleigh walks with Jonas and me to the bus stop every morning. Some days are hectic, but most days are like this one. Carleigh took the time to point out the birds, flowers, rocks, bird poop, dog poop, big trucks, old cars, shrubs that are growing fast, a rough patch on the concrete...but my favorite one this morning was the dew on some of the longer grass. She asked me why there were diamonds in the grass. Of course I did a double take, but then realized what she meant. And it was better than jewels! Millions of droplets of water balancing precariously on each blade of grass, at once reflecting both the green of the grass and the sparkle of the morning sunlight. I stopped in my tracks and we spent the next 30 seconds or so in silence, simply taking in the sight. Then Jonas broke the trance by announcing that the bus was here. I wonder how many times I have walked right past that scene and never once noticed it. I thank God for Carleigh taking the time to point it out to me.
It's nice out this morning, but it is supposed to storm later this afternoon. That patch of grass will look beaten down and swampy after a good Houston thunderstorm, a far cry from it's bejeweled start to the day. It makes me think about the way God brings us what we need- water for that grass is essential, and some times it falls gently in the form of dew. Other times it is expected to endure a storm in order to get its required dose of sustinance. I know the storm metephor is tired and old, but it works for me, especially when I think about trees and grass. Instead of falling over and giving up, plants actually use the wind of a storm as a motive to drive their roots further down in to the ground. Ever hear about the trees in the Bio-Dome experiment? They didn't take root hardly at all, because the scientists didn't allow them to be pushed and tested by strong winds.
Thank you God for encouraging me to hold more firmly to you, to send my roots further in to your word and your love. Thank you for pretty mornings where the blessings fall gently like dew and make me feel beautiful. Thank you for the storms that still bring me the nourishment I need, plus the benefit of growth! Thank you for my children who have fresh eyes and are quick to see the beauty in everything around them.


sara said...

very nice.

Christy said...

I think you make a very important point! So often I am rushing around, in a hurry, and do not appreciate the special things around me. Perhaps that is why God blessed us with his gifts in the form of Carleigh, and in my case, Maddie, to help us stop and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.