Saturday, March 8, 2008

Big Losers

Craig and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary at the end of May, and we have planned a low-key get away to mark the occasion. Additionally, we have decided that we both want to look our best after 10 years of marriage instead of the alternative. I'm already 2 sizes smaller than I was on our wedding day, so I could just be happy with that. But I do have 20 or so pounds to get to my ideal weight. Craig has put on some pounds this past year because he has worked 70 hour weeks, and chooses to spend time with the family instead of riding his bike on his rare afternoon away from the office (which I appreciate, of course!). So we have challenged ourselves to lose a specific amount of weight before our trip to the beach. I want to lose at least 17 pounds and Craig wants to lose 19. We weighed in last week to start the process, and had our second weigh in this morning.
Craig lost 3 pounds!
I lost 2.5 pounds!
Hardly Biggest Loser numbers, but we also have a lot less to lose than those people. I'm half bitter that Craig lost more weight than me, and half thrilled to have already made a dent in my goal. We'll see how that holds up after the kids and I go to see my parents for Spring Break.

1 comment:

Adriane Sparks said...

Congrats on the weight loss, you'll be a hotter mama in no time!