Monday, December 8, 2008

1000 (and no- I'm not about the numbers)

LOOK! I have had almost 1000 hits to my little blog! Wonder who it will be? There will be no prizes, as Pioneer Woman I am not, but maybe I'll follow the lead of my pastor who celebrated on his front lawn with a cold Dr Pepper the day he hit 1000. But it is December, and I'm not a Dr Pepper drinker, so I shall celebrate with a steamy cup of coffee. Feel free to swing by and join me if you can (I received a shipment of Godiva Creme Brulee flavored coffee over the weekend, and there is plenty to go around).


sara said...

enjoy your steamy cup!

Brad said...

oh we must rid you of the numbers game coming from residual table group influence...frankly it's just sickening!

knitgirl said...

OOOooooH! If I didn't know you were leaving today, I'd take you up on it, my friend! Better belated than never, right?