Thursday, July 3, 2008

What a week

Heavy stuff, lots of stuff, stuff stuff stuff. We put an offer on 2027 Fairfield Ct S, and they have accepted it! But we got the inspection report yesterday, and man oh man- not so sure if what we see is enough to be worried about or not. Getting second (and third) opinions now, and we will see what happens. Best case scenario- we close on 7/24! Worst case- I don't even know what that is. But it isn't a cardboard box on the side of the highway, so I shouldn't have any worries.

Work has been horrible. So many people pulling me in so many directions, and I haven't learned the art of saying "no".

I feel like I haven't said 10 words to Craig in the past two weeks that aren't about the house. He even took his shirts to the dry cleaner and brought them home again, ALL WITHOUT ME NOTICING. This is huge, since I normally take and pick up his shirts. Where was I?

This morning as I drove Jonas to swim practice, there was the most amazing cloud formation in front of me. I drove directly toward it for 90% of the drive, due East, and the sun was rising behind it. Simply breathtaking! By the time I got back in my car and started home, it had broken up, and I was sad. Thank you God for a peek at Your awesomeness this morning. Please give me peace today- remind me to breathe in and out, and focus on You, and not some house or some boss. Let me love my children well, and not lose my temper over small things.

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