Monday, July 21, 2008

The Mag Seven, er, Five, Ride Again!

Ahhhh- can you hear the relaxation in my typing? It comes from 2.5 days of no work, no kids, a few adult beverages, good food, tons of sun, and the best friends I've had since I was in 3rd grade. We call ourselves the Magnificent Seven (alas, two did not make it this year- Jenny and Christy) and have attempted to get together at least once each year. This weekend was spent on Galveston Island with Jodi, Sara, Julianne, and Genevieve. We stayed at a friends' beach house and only left to eat out Saturday night. Julianne is pregnant with her second son so we had a built in designated driver (and the irony is no one drank when we did leave the house!) but it was nice to know, just in case. We laughed so much at old stories and new adventures my face hurt by the end of Sunday afternoon! We are now old enough to be comfortable enough around each other that there are no taboo subjects. Yes, we passed around pictures of our respective kids and pets, but that was the extent of outside intrusions~

I thank God for these women. I don't know a lot of people who can say they are still in touch with 6 people they went to grade school with, much less spend a weekend together ever year. I know we are blessed.

NOTE: I wanted to include a picture of our group, but I didn't manage to get more than two people in a picture at a time, and those aren't flattering! Maybe one of the other girls will send some to me and I can upload them then.

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