Sunday, June 15, 2008

A change in plans

I feel like I'm calling off a wedding. In a way, I am. Craig and I have decided to not commit to the house we were building. It's hard to do, as we have had countless people pray about this house and gush over it and ooh and ahhh over pictures. But when it comes down to it, it is not enough house at too much price tag. We went out yesterday with a realtor and looked at houses the same price as "ours" with 600 more square feet and a much bigger yard (one even had a hot tub that was staying with the house!). But I think we are going to put an offer on a house tomorrow in a subdivision a little further north. It is in the same neighborhood as Brad (our community pastor), has 250 more square feet, a fourth bedroom and a dedicated study, a great front and BACK yard! It is not on a cul de sac, but that is just about the only negative. I think we need to be better stewards of our money, and this house will let us do that.

I'm so grateful for the gentle way God showed us we were making a mistake, instead of letting us figure it out the hard way. He's so gracious, isn't He? Beyond words...

1 comment:

Brad said...

woohoo for us!!!!!