Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What a way to test a house!

While we may not like it all that much, it is easy to say that the best test of anything is a set of circumstances beyond our control and extreme conditions. They don't test seat belts at 5 mph, do they? No- they ram cars in to walls at over 60 mph and see what happens to the dummies inside! Would it do any good to test the exterior of the space shuttle with a Bic lighter, to make sure the tiles could withstand the heat of re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere? Hardly.
And I think about my marriage, and the things that have made us step back and say "We really are going to make it." Not the romantic dinners or weekends away from the kids. It was the job losses, the illnesses, and the ugly stuff.

So it seems to be with the house we are living in right now. We are currently renting it, but have wondered if the landlords would be willing to sell it to us this time next year. And after what it just went through, Hurricane Ike, I think we would be fools NOT to buy this house! There was minimal cosmetic damage to the fence and to the covered back porch, but no roof damage and no water anywhere! My friend snapped this picture yesterday and commented on how it seems nothing even happened. But if we could only see the house next door---

The kids and I are not back home yet, as there is still no power, and the schools are closed until at least Tuesday of next week. I can work here at my parents' house and they can play like it was summer vacation. Craig went back yesterday as his office reopened today. I can't even begin to express my thankfulness for our safety and the ease this "inconvenience" has been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you this week. I'm so glad the worst you've experienced is failed power. It sounds like you have a good thing going, staying with your parents. :)