Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Carleigh's First day of pre-K

My house is so quiet right now, as it is just me and the cats! Carleigh started pre-K today, and was such a big girl. She grabbed her backpack and said "Let's go, Mom."

We walked in to the class and she immediately found another little girl and asked her if she could play with her. While some kids were crying, Carleigh didn't even think twice about going out on her own. My first thought was "What kind of my mom am I that she is already that independent?" and my best friend reminded me that it makes me a good mom. I hope so!

1 comment:

Liz Jordan said...

What a doll she is!! Oh I love these photos!!

Thanks so much for sharing your stories on meeting the parents and congrats on life... you are so obviously blessed!!