Monday, September 8, 2008

An eternal perspective

Yesterday was kinda hard for me, but really good at the same time. At The Springs, we discussed eternity, and since I work with grade schoolers, we boiled it down to "I beleive I can live with God forever". We talked just a little bit about what that means, and what Heaven might be like. We had all the kids draw pictures of what they imagined the house God is preparing for them might look like. I found it amusing that they all included swimming pools! Several added animals and the girls mostly concentrated on beds and beautiful bedding. As an adult, my idea is a little different, but who's to say they aren't right?

Between now and then, we had a lot of fun with our Table Group last night. Just to quote a few of my favorite moments from the 2.5 hours we were together-
"I don't care if you get arrested, just don't get shot."
"We're going to get more guns and ammo."
"Back when I was a mosquito hunter..."
"Sidney's been shot!", "Is there blood?", "No.", "Blake- you go help her cuz I'm getting my nails done".

Don't you wish you could be here for these?

1 comment:

cubsfan said...

Not fair to mention my name in the quotes- they'll know I was the one getting guns! Very blessed to be part of our group. Wish we could of evacuated together but think of the fun we'll have talking about it. Love you all,