Monday, September 20, 2010

Things to come...

I try not to dwell on the past, as it can't be relived or reclaimed. I try not to think about the future too much, as I used to have a tendency to make things bigger in my mind than they actually turned out to be. That led to disappointment, and lack of appreciation for what did result.
So I try to live each moment right here, right now. It's a hard thing to do, especially when right here and right now is not fun at all. This past weekend, however, was one of the most successful attempts I've ever had to experience the here and now to the fullest. Harvey went off spectacularly! Each actor was on spot on, and the energy was palatable. The cast party afterwards was fun, and a little (ha!) crazy. I even jumped in a swimming pool fully dressed at 2:30 am. But I was up and ready to take on the world at 7:15, and enjoyed every second of Sunday. From Taco Cabana for breakfast (yum!!!), to Wii with Carleigh, helping Jonas spend his birthday money at Toys R Us, to making sloppy joes for dinner, and finally to a family round of Wii, it was a wonderful day.
BTW- have you been to Toys R Us lately? The toys I grew up with are back! Smurfs! Mon chi chis! My Little Pony! Rainbow Bright! And did you know that Cabbage Patch kids still smell like Cabbage Patch Kids????
I was in bed by 8:00 and dreaming soundly. Truly a wonderful weekend.
But today, I am thinking about things to come, just for a little bit. I'm editing my second book, and the author is looking at a November publishing date. I'm excited for her, but also for my ability to say, with all confidence, I am a book editor. I guess I could say that now, as I have edited one published book, but somehow the second one makes it feel more legitimate.
We're taking a road trip out to TN in October. So excited to meet co-workers face to face! And to see parts of the country I haven't seen in years, and to introduce them to my kids. And to show the kids what fall is supposed to look like!
I'm auditioning for another play tomorrow, and if I get a role, the production will be in December. Which leads right on in to Christmas!
And then, BIG things in January!!! My brother, his wife and their sons, my mom and my dad, and my family of four are all leaving out of New Orleans for a 7-day cruise! It will be my first cruise, and I can hardly wait. Grand Cayman, Honduras, and Cozumel...
And with that thought I am brought right back to the here and now, which is 20 pounds heavier than I would like to be. Guess the farthest in to the future I should be considering right now is this afternoon, when I can get in to the gym.

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