Thursday, April 2, 2009

Too much time has passed~

I can't remember everything that has happened since I last posted! But I will try~
Back a few weeks ago, Craig, the kids, and I all had the week of Spring Break off. We had a good camping excursion, and it was perfect weather. Nice and warm during the day, and cool enough to need a blanket at night. From the minute we got there, we saw new and exciting things. A woodpecker perched on a tree about 15 feet from us as we set up our tent. He proceeded to exemplify his name, and pecked at the wood. It was a pine tree, and he expertly chipped off some of the bark and seemed to find the snack for which he searched. He hopped around the tree a few inches and repeated the process. Silly, I guess, but I thought it was neat!
Throughout the trip we saw armadillos, bees (of course), an amazing moth (it was pastel green, pink, about 4 inches wide, and had these curly frilly antennae), an alligator, bamboo (or boobam, as Carleigh called it!), several cranes, and a duck that decided to adopt us for the afternoon. We hiked for hours and hours, canoed, and all managed mild sunburns. It was really perfect.

We also went to the Houston Rodeo for the first time, saw Clint Black in concert, spent a fun day with our friends the Sanders, and discovered Discovery Green in downtown Houston. I needed that down time.
The rest of April is packed with fun things, too. April 17th, Craig and I are going to see a band in which a grade shcool friend of mine is the drummer. The next weekend, Craig is going to Phoenix for work, and the kids and I are going to my hometown to celebrate the 80th anniversary of my childhood church. Of course, Palm Sunday and Easter are in there.
And on a side note- tonight is the Final FINAL ER. I've loved that show. Should be a tear jerker!

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