Monday, April 27, 2009

Personal God

Personal God- "I lift my eyes unto the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalms 121:1-2

When we moved to Arlington, we were attending church at Irving Bible Church. I knew without any hesitation we needed to find another place of worship. Not because of anything IBC lacked, but because I wanted to LIVE in Arlington, not just sleep there. We wanted to be involved in our community and knew that if we continued to commute to church every week, and Home Group once a week, on top of commuting to work 5 days a week, we would never have a chance to become a part of Arlington. So we began church hunting.

We ended up at Pantego Bible Church reluctantly, because it was 18 miles from our new house, but we something told us to try it anyway. I was heavily pregnant with Jonas that first Sunday we walked through the doors. Within 10 minutes, we knew we were someplace special. We were greeted warmly (maybe because it looked like I would bust open any minute!) and I remember the official greeter asking us "Where do you live?". We explained that we had been in South Arlington for a little less than a year, and he immediately picked up a piece of paper and showed us where other South Arlington residents met each Sunday morning. We didn't go to that class that morning, but we were struck with how they were organized by geography- not that we were young marrieds, or new parents, or that sort of thing. The only thing that defined a class was where we lived! After a fantastic service, we headed to a small room where a church elder explained the basics of PBC in greater detail and asked if we had any questions. We were hooked! This church had it right! They wanted everyone to know Christ first, and their neighbor second- and they meant it! Members were encouraged to come to the building only once a week, for corporate worship. Bible studies, small groups, even organized kid activities took place in neighborhoods and homes. It was exactly what we were looking for!

This is just one example of how God is personal to me. He heard Craig and my prayers and answered them to a T. I have so many other examples, but you aren't hear to read a novel. (That is available in an earlier post, if you are so inclined) My God is alive and well, and active in my life. He hears my prayers, knows my heart, and loves me passionately. The same God who made the earth, and the stars, and the sun, made me, and knows me! And LOVES me.

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