Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Authority of the Bible

This is tough for me. Not that I don't believe in the authority of the Bible, but can someone help me understand a few things?

This book was written over thousands of years, by different men, in different languages, and from different cultures. Awesome, right? Definitely God-breathed. And I understand that the birth and death of Christ resolved the need for the law in the Old Testament.

But what about some of those things stated in the New Testament? 1 Timothy talks about leaders in the church being men only. So what about the fatherless homes, fatherless neighborhoods? If the church is any group of believers, there will be instances when men are not around. These women can't teach their sons? Is that why there is so much dysfunction in the fatherless societies? It is contrary to the plan God has.

Next issue- 1 Cor 11:2-16 . I haven't worn a hat in church since I was a child. Am I sinning? I'm not trying to be legalistic here, but this issue makes me say hmmmm. If I say the Bible has the authority to determine my actions and thoughts, I should wear a hat in church. But church is a body of believers! So I should always wear a hat or other head covering? Am I being insincere because I disregard this verse? Cause I just said "I believe the Bible - the whole Bible- has the authority to determine my actions and thoughts". Note: After I wrote this, I researched a bit and found this article on Bible.org. I need to read it again, but I really got a lot out of it!

These are NOT deal breakers, by any stretch of the imagination. But I wanted to flesh them out.

1 comment:

Adriane Sparks said...

I can't believe no one has responded to your blog yet! I don't get a chance to read it to often. I will try and offer my some-what educated opinion (you know me, always an opinion!).

First the leader question: teaching your kids, of course that is ok, boy or girl, the passage is talking about leadership in the home/church. It is Biblical that Craig be the leader in the home, just as Christ is the head of the church, a husband is called to be the head of the home (ehp 5:22-33). I figure it is alot easier for us to submit to them, since they have to love us, as much as Christ does, a pretty tall order! Do all families work this way? No, alot of times the woman has to take the role as spiritual head, but if the man is willing to take it, it would be best, because God's plans are WAY better than ours!

Next the hat, if you research a bit more, you'll find Paul is writing this to a church in a society that if a woman went anywhere without a hat she would be considered a prostitute (I would guess similar to wearing a head covering in the middle-east). There are many churches that take this literally, but it is usually considered as a societal passage.

love ya girl!