Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wandering in the wilderness between right and left

Back when I started this blog, I touched on the recent election broo-ha-ha that is going on around us and my confusion about for whom I should vote, if at all. I read this article today that describes my concerns completely! It doesn't give me any solutions, but at least I know I'm not the only person out there who is torn between social conservatism and global awareness. I want to break the cycle of poverty and welfare dependence, but I don't want any innocent children to go hungry because their mom or dad didn't graduate from high school and can't get a job that pays more then $6 an hour. I don't want another innocent life taken before birth, but I don't want condoms handed out at junior high health classes. I think that homosexuality is a sin, but I also think that we live in a country based on freedom, and since most marriages are no longer religious convenants between God and two people anyway, why shouldn't two men who love each other get married? All I keep coming back to is that I can't change the world, but I can love my neighbors. And regardless of who is elected in November, I believe God is in charge, and again, all I can do is love my neighbors. And pray, constantly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice, my friend. You have tapped into my inner world of turmoil this year. We could have a great conversation around the dinner table!

Keep searching...