Monday, June 23, 2008

I wonder...

We went to Gateway Community Church yesterday and they had a special service highlighting the results of their Vacation Bible School the week before. It was flashy, and high energy, and fun, and we enjoyed every second of it. Today, I took Jonas and Carleigh to the VBS at First Baptist Friendswood. I walked them in to the auditorium for the "opening ceremonies" and found it decked out in bright colors and big balloons, and lots of people.

I remember fondly the days I attended VBS as a kid. I specifically remember saying the pledge to the American flag and to the Christian flag in the auditorium each morning. But I don't remember any fanfare or pomp. It was fun, but not over the top.

I wonder if my kids would be bored to tears by such a VBS. Or if the Word of God presented at their level for 5 consecutive days (alongside lemonade and animal crackers, of course) is impactful regardless of the hoop-la. But that's the miracle of the message, of the Gospel- the kids went to another VBS two weeks ago at a different church here in Friendswood. Much smaller, much more intimate, and no crazy banners or balloons to be found! AND the kids learned memory verses from the King James Bible (it made me chuckle to hear)! This morning, as I pulled up to FBC, Jonas said " I hope this one is as awesome as the last one we went to!"

So there you go...

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