Monday, May 19, 2008

When I'm right...

I'm right! Those dumb shoes with the wheels, Heelies or Spinners or whatever you want to call them, were not a good idea for my son. At church yesterday, he marked up the entire building with rubber from the soles mixed with wheels marks. This was brought to my attention at least an hour after we had been there. I'm sure I don't even know half of the extent of the damage. Luckily it is just superficial, but we are using the YMCA with the understanding that we will take excellent care of it.

Then, at the VERY end of the VERY long day, Jonas stepped out of the car, took one step toward me, and lost his footing. Craig was on the other side of the car helping Carleigh out and all he heard was the thud of Jonas' head hitting the ground. I saw the instantaneous reaction on Jonas' face as he knew he was going to fall, and then saw his head actually bounce on the ground. It only bounced about an inch and he managed to keep it from hitting a second time, but the damage was done. Screams of pain ensued, followed quickly by Craig saying he was throwing away the shoes, which only made Jonas scream louder.

Jonas is ok today- we gave him Tylenol last night and iced his elbow (yes, the same one that caught the brunt of the last fall) and gave him a little TLC. Trying to repair the wound of Craig's threat to throw away the shoes, I told Jonas I would buy them from him. I will give him the money he spent on them to begin with, because I never should have let him buy the shoes in the first place. Immediately he said "Then can we go buy the real Heelies?". I answered "Yes- when you are 8."


sara said...

ohhhh poor guy!!! And I have to say, I love that he still wants some heelies, even after they were the cause of a busted head! Glad he's ok today.

Anonymous said...

I've also told Miles he could have them when he's 8. Weeeeell, he turns 8 in a couple of weeks, and you can rest assued that he has reminded me of that promise for the last 3 months!

Guess I see trips to the ER in our near future. But thanks to you, I will know that they are off limits at the Y!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

From Andi (I can't figure out my real blog password!)

What a great idea to buy them from him. Especially after the "good ones" are his primary goal in life!! :) :) :) I never would have thought of that!

8 is just the perfect one to choose for 'growing up' boundaries like that. Sidney couldn't get a Barbie until she was 8 and it worked out just fine.